Double Creek

Esposizione Nazionale Bolzano e Riva del Garda

Wow wow wow wonderful week end week for Double Creek gang !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Saturday at NDS of Bolzano our Funky But Chic alias Naily with her happy owner  Camilla Dal Ponte won 2 place exc and Ris Cac in intermediate class.   In Young class our sweet  Double Creek Goodie Guardian of the Queen with her co-owner Catia Feltrin won 1 place ecc and Best Young.

On Sunday at  NDS of di Riva del Garda Funky But Chic won 1 place  in interediate class while  Double Creek Goodie Guardian of the Queen at only 1 year won 1 place exc in young class , BOB e BOG 1 place :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I’m really over the moon !!! Great job girls, i love you all. Many thanks also to the judges for wonderful comments

Welsh Corgi
Double Creek Goodie Guardian of the Queen 12 mesi
welsh corgi pembroke,
Funky but Chic 2 anni
welsh corgi
Le splendide ragazze con il giudice Sambucco
welsh corgi pembroke
Proprietarie e nanette sorridenti