Daredevil’s Mr Sandman from Staken
it took us some time to write this page and now we are extremely happy and proud of our decision.
A very beautiful and promissing puppy turned to an outstanding adult. No need to say that we had great expectations from the beginning; from the choice of the kennel, from his breeding line, from the important genetic tests for corgi main inherated diseases, made to his parents, from his temperament, from his reilability..
Having and raising a puppy, even if it’s a phase I would never miss, it’s a choice with lot of unknowns, but our Dante never turned down our hopes. It’s a dream coming true to us. Love at first sight indeed and we believe he fall in love with us too.
He is a mascoline type with excellent bones though he is very fit and athletic, he has a powerfull construction without being heavy.
His quarters are perfect from front and lateral view, he has a level strong topline with great rear angulations, perfect tailset that he carries to perfection.
He has a superb head with correct proportions. By dna analisys, Dante has successfully passed the genetic tests for corgi pembroke main inherated diseases. He has been officially tested for hips and elbows dysplasia: B hip and BL elbows. We are extremely proud of this super boy.
His American and European excellent blood lines are the famous Greenwoods, Sandfox, Brynlea (Americans) Haywire’s, Daredevil’s, Colwyn (European); we are very proud to have those famous names on our line. His temperament is fantastic, sunny and very good. From my first contacts to his breeder Danny Reinkehr, before we choose him, he seemed to be a little shy. He is not shy at all but I would define he is self-aware. He has to think and understand before doing something..then you cannot stop him. He is adorable, I don’t know what to say but he is exactly as I wanted.
My thanks goes to Danny Reinkehr (Daredevil’s Pembroke) for this great opportunity and his trust , we are confident this boy will bring even more quality to our breeding plans. We had Dante’s first litter in 2018, all puppies are awesome both morfologically and for what concerns temperament; their new families are all excited.
Dantone for president
Born: 27/04/2017
Color: red and white
Tail: long
Hips: Celemasche central reading B
Elbow: Celemasche central reading BL
Dm: Clear by dna test
VWd: Clear by dna test
Fluffy: Clear by dna test
Eic: Clear by dna test
Cea / Pra / Cataract / Ppm: clear
Locus D: clear
Locus S: clear
13/05/2018 Int. Ferrara youth class 2 etc.
23/06/2018 Nat. Udine young class 1 etc.
BOB Young and BOB
13/08/2018 Int. Trieste intermediate class 1 etc. R. CAC and R.CACIB
14/08/2018 Int. Gradisca intermediate class 1 etc.
02/09/2018 Int Treviso intermediate class 1 etc. R.CAc
10/11/2018 Int. Sempeter (Slo) intermediate class 1 etc. CAC
11/01/2020 Int. Padua open class 1 etc. CAC R CACIB
08/02/2020 Int. Florence open class 1 etc. CAC CACIB AND BOB
09/02/2020 Int. Arezzo (special) open class 1 etc. R.CAC R.CACIB
22/02/2020 Int. Celje open class 1 EXC CAC CACIB BOB AND BOG 3
23/02/2020 Int. Celje open class 1 EXC CAC CACIB BOB AND WINTER WINNER
“Daredevil’s Mr Sandman from Staken”