Double Creek Quiche Lorraine
Lor was born in our Kennel with the collaboration of dear friend and technical nutritionist Nicoletta Pizzutti (litter Q). The mother is the amazing Lime (It. Ch. Double Creek Lime Jam) and the father is the beautiful Charlie / Tomino male tricolor imported from England (Multi Ch. Pemcader High Flyer). She has been entrusted to her friends Martina and Manuel who love her and spends most of her time leading her two human sheep Matteo and Daniel, their children :-))))))
She is a wonderful subject with an important structure and an excellent bone. She has a wonderful ridge, forelegs with correct feet and very well angled hindquarters. It has an excellent movement and is a moderately active subject. Characteristically, she is a solar subject (it always seems to be laughing), whit an interesting temper.
She is very sweet and obedient and loves her whole family. We take the opportunity to publicly thank to Martina and Manuel for their availability, enthusiasm and for how they love and take care from Lor.
Color: tricolor,
Tail: long
Hips: Celemasche central reading B
Elbows: 0 Celemasche reading center
Dm: at risk
Vwd: clear
Fluffy: clear
Cea Pra Ppm Cataract: Clear
Teeth: correct and complete scissor bite
Breeder: Double Creek by Antoniazzi Elisabetta
Co-ownership: Antoniazzi Elisabetta and Fabretto Martina
23/06/2018 Expo Naz Udine Juniores class 1 Very Promising
22/07/2018 Expo Naz Piancavallo Juniores Class 1 Very Promising
“Double Creek Quiche Lorraine”