Double Creek

Welsh Corgi Pembroke “I” Litter

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We are pleased to announce that pregnancy for  wonderful Bobino ( Jw, It. Ch BobMarley) and our beloved Lulla (Pretty Woman for Dragonjoy) is confirmed  . We chose Bobino for his excellent pedigree, his exuberant temperament and his wonderful structure. Very friendly with people and animals, it is a subject very masculine, with excellent bone , a beautiful head and expression. he comes out from excellent English and American bloodlines. He’s very impressive  subject . Bobino is a natural bobtail boy

Lulla is our beautiful and sweet tricolor girl. For those who follow the Corgi world the name of his father needs no introduction. Dragonheart is the most representative Italian Corgi at the European level. he was Multi Best in Show winner at the International dog shows. He also won the Best in Show to European Budapest dog show in 2008 and he has a wonderful  movement. Lulla has taken much of the movement of his father, and she is the most speed Corgi in our kennel.

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Jw Ch e It. Ch. BobMarley *Bobino*

  • Date of Birth: 01 May  2012
  • Colour : Red and White
  • Tail : natural bobtail
  • Dentition: full dention, scissor bite

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It. Ch Pretty Woman for Dragonjoy * Lulla *

  • Colour: Black Tricolour red head
  • Tail: long
  • Dentition :full dentition, scissor bite
  • Herding test :approved, Altissimo 01/04/2012

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The puppies will be sold after 60 days from birth, after being vaccinated, wormed and microchipped and they will all have ENCI (FCI) pedigree. All puppies will have long tail except the puppies will be born with a natural short tail. Special attention will be dedicated to socializing the puppies.

We expect to have very sweet and balanced puppies, with excellent and typical morphology and naturally inclined to sport activities, such as sheepdog, expos, dog dance, agility

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